Thursday, January 21, 2010

Owl City Fuzzy Blue Lights

If I could look across the country
From California to New Jersey
Then I would count the parks and lake resorts
And number all the jets and airports
All those rather dreary rain clouds still bother me
Cuz I look through the camera eyepiece and cannot see

If I could open up my window
And see from Tampa Bay to Juneau
Then I would survey all those open miles
And line them up in single file
Everywhere I look I see green scenic sublime
And all those oceanic vistas are so divine

If I was standing on the balcony
And you were walking down below
I'd feel rather depressed and out of place
And lonely just to watch you go
If you were swinging from the highway overpass
Within the western hemisphere
I'd feel rather afraid and insincere
If you began to disappear

If I was walking through a sad art gallery
And you were driving through the night
I'd feel rather alone and I'll at ease
Beneath the brilliant showroom light
If I was flying on a plane above your town
And you were gazing at the sky
Somehow I'd feel intact and reassured
If you began to wave goodbye

Monday, January 4, 2010



aku adalah bintang
biarkan aku meledak, berkeping
dan setiap mikron debuku terhampar di pelosok bimasakti
aku menjadi jutaan aku
mungkin singgah di salah satu pesawat antariksa amerika
yang sedang pulang
sampai di bumi setelah terbakar-bakar
menyambangi wajah seorang yang merindu
tengadah memandang-mandang langit
melihat-lihat bintang
dan bertanya-tanya
apakah dirimu masih ada sayang?
apakah dirimu tetap disana sayang?

aku adalah batu gunung besar di kaki gunung besar
biarlah truk-truk mengangkutku
dan aku dipecah-pecah
aku menjadi ratusan aku
mungkin dijadikan pondasi
ditumpuk-tumpuk dengan sesama batu
dibawah rumah seorang kekasih
yang bingung mondar-mandir
dan bertanya-tanya
apakah dirimu akan pulang sayang?
apakah dirimu tahu jalannya sayang?

dan aku mungkin tak lebih bosan lagi

Thursday, December 24, 2009

nice goodbye

I’m trying real hard to forget you but damn....all that I got just a dizzy head all the time. I cant even barely think about the lessons at my school. Ain’t that so sad? Yes it’s extremely sad. I dont know where you are, I feel like you always here besides me even when you’re gone, shadows of you all around me, you’re really really gone from my sight. You don’t even showed up when your friends visit their old school. It’s like I’m being too forgotten since you got a new one, oh trying to replace me dont you? I know I know I am useless, a relationship without a conversation just like a car without a fuel. It won’t start, it wont even go, we can’t gas it cause there’s no fuel. Like if we don’t talk to each other, we can never move on. I’m buttered everytime, dude. I’m so sick of being buttered. But I just cant take my eyes off of you, yes the hardest thing in this 14 years I’ve had is this, forget the unforgettables, and one of them is you.

Are you in love with another? Does they feel the same to you? Well I guess that’s a tough compete, I cannot beat them all, im just a kid who still doesnt know certain places cool people go to hang out. But I still do, I still in love with you, till death seperate us, and now seasons are changing..summer to rainy season. I’m still in love with you. I know in the end of the day, I will always feel lonely, yes time surely fly fast.

“You’re such a loser man,

Sucker at love” I said to myslef.

Okay here I am, and fuck you if you can’t understand me. I’m uncool I admit it but, I start this feeling, I start this untalkative relationship nicely, didn’t I? Yes I surely did. Remember when we were in the exact same class during your 8th grade exam? Whoops you dont even recognize, do you. Hell yeah I was wrong. For now I’m sorry if my acts means hurting one’s heart. I know someday you will meet the right perfect brilliant person. Hmm, I wish I could be that person....(haha you wish). Thanks for your kind of attention. I really appreciate it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

don bosco

at last ngepost jg haha udh berpuluh2 minggu nih -,..,- lo hrs tau yak stlh don bosco tanding gt di pj cup entah bagaimana kapan mengapa kenapa gue jd ngefans sm db! emg sih screw myself bgt tp setiap gue dgr kata 'don bosco' waw senengnya ky makan lasagna hehe. minggu2 ini gue selalu ngmgin db....its supremely weird man..hmm

kan gue publikasi tuh tugasnya ngebagi2in pamflet ke seluruh sekolah yg udh direncanain mau dikasih, dan gue kebagian di jakarta...krn pl, db, bm itu paling deket kalo keluar tol pondok indah makanya duluan.nih pj aja keluar sekolah jam 3an ank db jam brp cb?? 2 mungkin haha ya manamungkin keburu paling jg ketemu guru bukan muridnya. oh for god's sake mana jakarta macet lg trs ujan ahahaha sila bgt...smp di db sepi gt pas gue tanya satpam "ohh udh ps pulang semua dek, guru2nya juga udh drtd" anjriiitttt malu malu malu nyesek nyesek nyesek sedih sedih sedih kecewa haduh...selalukan ada halangan kalo ttg db.

pertama : kalah di pj cup pas pertandingan kedua lawan dd pdhl cm beda 1 poin *nyesek bgt*
kedua : pas mau ntn pj lawan db di pl cup gue bw mobil DEMI ngeliat db bukan nganter ank2 basket, tp pas lg markir nyerempet, dimarah2in supir satpam om2 tante2, trs 150rb duit tabungan gue selama ini (pdhl lg nabung mau beli hadiah natal) melayang buat byr ganti ruginya, trs gue gasempet liat pertandingannya..ya dikitsihh tp yaa tetep aja kan nontonnya ga puas gt perasaan gelisah gaenak yaampunn :( trs ujan, bensin abs, dan satu lg pulang drst gue sakit smp skrg gue ngepost ini...influenza hwhwh dan demam tinggi omg >:D *pasrah speechless*
ketiga : pas mau ke db ngasih2 pamflet..macet dijalan, ujan nyampe sana kosong gaada org *sedih tidak disangka*

kenapa gue dilahirin?

*that was so dumb hahaha dumbest question ever oh cheesus fries (jesus christ)*

tapi guesih gpp kalo ngabisin bensin demi db, duit gue 500rebu jg melayang gpp demi db, mobil gue lecet2 penyok2 buluk gt demi db, gue jd sinus pun gpp demi db, niat guesih baik hehe kalo emg resultnya selalu negative yaa itu emg takdir kan mau diapain lg wkwk gaboleh nantang takdir tuhan juga jd yaa tawakal :) hohoho mungkin insyaallah dibales gt wkwkwk amin deh amin.

kan kubela don bosco sampai nafas terakhirku :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

tech deck